Are you a ghoul?

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2 min
Are you a ghoul?
Image: Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images News/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Even if you don’t crave the taste of aged cadaver, it’s better for everyone if you take this test. Score less than an eight on this, and your human status will be confirmed. Score an eight or greater, however, and we’ll know you for a ghoul.
Let's start with an easy one: Which of the following is most appetizing to a ghoul?
a goblet of human blood
a freshly buried corpse
broiled brains
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Ghouls don't care for fancy vampire beverages or zombie recipes. They will, however, go absolutely ape for a fresh corpse in a shallow grave.

Moving on to ghoul geography, in Neil Gaiman's "The Graveyard Book," what's the name of the ghoul city?
Ghûl's Town
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you score as a human at the end of this quiz (with a seven or less), do try to avoid the Ghûlheim restaurant district. Trust us.

The next ghoul royal wedding probably won't dominate the headlines (above ground), but a true ghoul will know who sits on the throne of bones. Which of the following is NOT a ghoul ruler from myth or fiction?
Vomikron Noxis
Vulgate Bantacore
Vorag Bloodytooth
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The ghoul world has yet to see the rise of Vulgate Bantacore, but both Vomikron Noxis of "The Throne of Bones" and Vorag Bloodytooth of the Warhammer universe have held the title of ghoul king.


Some ghoul scholars believe ghouldom to be a transmitted disease. Which of the following is the Dungeons and Dragons name for this ailment?
Porfat's distemper
the ghoul blight
ghoul fever
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Dungeon masters know the disease as ghoul fever. It has an incubation period of one day, and the afflicted rises from the grave as a ghoul the following midnight.

In the "Tales From the Crypt" comic book and TV show, the nonprofit organization GHOUL takes a morbid interest in corpses of the poor and destitute. What does the acronym stand for?
Grateful Homeless Outcasts and Unwanted Layaway Society
Generous House of Unrequited Love
Ghastly Hors d'oeuvres of Unnatural Lunacy
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You should probably stay away from any organization with the acronym "GHOUL," especially the Grateful Homeless Outcasts and Unwanted Layaway Society.

Ghouls keep strange gods. Which of the following do they worship in the tales of Clark Ashton Smith and the Lovecraft mythos?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep are both fine choices for a dark, Lovecraftian deity, Mordiggian is the Charnel God worshipped in the city of Zul-Bha-Sair.


As long as we're talking Lovecraft, in his tale "Pickman's Model," the character Richard Upton Pickman held an unhealthy fascination with ghouls. What was his occupation?
professional painter
professional sculptor
professional photographer
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While Pickman did snap photographs of ghouls, he used them to aid his grotesque and alarming paintings.

According to Arabic myth, how many blows of the sword does it take to kill a ghoul?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If Arabic myths are correct, you must only use a single sword blow to slay a ghoul. Land more than one, and the creature will live to kill you.

White Wolf Publishing's "World of Darkness" role-playing world features what you might call a ghoul-in-name-only. What is it?
a mutant created by atomic war
a mortal who regularly drinks the blood of vampires
a vampire who drinks the blood of the dead
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The "World of Darkness" ghouls are servants to vampires rather than true ghouls. However, the game world is also home to ghuls, which are more like traditional ghouls.


Which of the following fantasy book series does NOT feature ghouls?
The Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
Harry Potter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth was based on European myth cycles, so he makes no mention of ghouls. But ghouls definitely appear in the other two series, popping up in both the Weasley family's attic and the White Queen's army. If you scored an eight or higher on this test, you may join them.

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Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images News/Getty Images