The Ultimate Composting Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
2 min
The Ultimate Composting Quiz
Image: Mike Harrington/Taxi/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Turn trash into cash, or at least into fertilizer that you can use in your garden. Help the environment by composting your organic waste. Take this quiz to see how much you know about composting.
How much trash do Americans create each year?
100 million tons
210 million tons
500 million tons
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Each year, Americans create about 210 million tons of trash.

Where does all the garbage go?
57 percent to municipal landfills
47 percent to recycling
37 percent to composting
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

About 57 percent of the garbage goes to municipal landfills.

What happens when organic material is composted?
finished compost
both answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The composting process breaks down organic material into usable and valuable finished compost or humus.


What is required for composting?
vegetable oil
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Soil is required for composting as a source of microorganisms.

Which is organic waste?
plastic bags
water bottles
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Newsprint is organic waste, because it is made from trees.

What does air add to the composting process?
carbon dioxide
nitrogen gas
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Air is needed for composting as a source of oxygen.


During the composting process, what do the microorganisms from the soil do?
eat the waste
break it down
both answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The microorganisms eat the organic waste and break it down.

What do microorganisms need to live?
carbon dioxide
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They need water to live.

What will speed up the composting process?
both answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Regular turning and watering of the composting material speeds up the process.


To aid decomposition, what should be done with large pieces of organic waste?
Break up the large pieces.
No action is needed.
neither answer
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

To aid decomposition, break up the large pieces of organic waste.

What living organism may be present in a compost heap?
both answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Bacteria, fungi and lots more feed on the composting material.

Why would you want to position a compost pile downwind from your home?
bad smell
good smell
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The compost heap may stink.


Why should you consult you homeowners association before starting a composting project?
HOA may determine the location of the compost pile.
HOA may determine what hours you may work on your compost heap.
HOA may want to pay for your composting structure.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Your HOA may have specific guidelines for the location of a compost pile on your property.

Why may too much wind be bad for composting?
dries out material
scatters material
both answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Too much wind may dry out the material or cause it to scatter.

What is a compost structure?
concrete block structure
both answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A compost structure may be anything from a heap of material to a concrete block structure.


What may result from composted meat or dairy products?
foul odor
too much bacteria
too much fungi
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They may cause a foul odor, but may be composted.

What should not be composted?
human waste
animal waste
both answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Do not compost any type of human or animal waste.

Why are human and animal waste dangerous for composting?
both answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

These waste products may carry diseases or parasites.


Why are leftover charcoal ashes from the BBQ non-compostable?
toxic to microorganisms
toxic to groundwater
carry diseases
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The ashes may be toxic to the microorganisms necessary for composting.

How may temperature be used to decide when the composting is complete?
below 100 degrees F
above 100 degrees F
neither answer
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

When the temperature of the composting material is below 100 degrees F (36 degrees C), it may be considered to be "done."

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Mike Harrington/Taxi/Getty Images