Wild World: Déjà Vu Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
1 min
Wild World: Déjà Vu Quiz
Image: Dougal Waters/DigitalVision/Getty Images

About This Quiz

If you've ever walked into a new friend's home and felt that you'd been there before, then you've experienced déjà vu. If you've ever walked into a new friend's home and felt that you'd been there before, then you've experienced déjà vu. If you've ever ... OK, that's enough. Is it reincarnation? Is something wrong with the brain? What's behind this eerie feeling?
How long does a feeling of déjà vu typically last?
10 to 30 seconds
1 minute
over 5 minutes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

True déjà vu typically lasts from 10 to 30 seconds, while false memories or hallucinations, sometimes confused with déjà vu, can last much longer.

What's a precognitive experience?
It's the same thing as déjà vu.
It's a feeling that you know what's going to happen before it happens.
It's a traumatic event that causes a person to experience déjà vu more often than other people do.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Déjà vu is often confused with precognitive experiences, or the feeling someone has when he or she knows what's going to happen before it happens. An important distinction is that déjà vu is experienced during an event, not before.

What part of the brain is involved in conscious memory?
Brain stem
Temporal lobe
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The medial temporal lobe, which includes the parahippocampal gyrus, the rhinal cortex and the amygdala, controls memory functions.


What condition is associated with biological déjà vu?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

There are high occurrences of déjà vu among people with temporal lobe epilepsy; just before having a seizure, these people often experience strong feelings of déjà vu.

Who reports the most occurrences of déjà vu?
Elderly people
People who travel frequently
People with lower education levels
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Researchers agree that déjà vu experiences decrease with age. There have also been higher reported occurrences among those with higher incomes, those who travel more and those with higher education levels.

How does the cell phone theory explain déjà vu?
Cell phones divide our attention so that we don't process everything we're registering.
Frequent conversations on cell phones cause us to forget where we heard something.
Cell phones store all the phone numbers that we need, weakening our memories.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The cell phone theory proposes that when we're distracted by something else, we subliminally take in what's around us without registering it consciously. Cell phones divide our attention in the same way.


Which of the following is not one of psychologist Alan Brown's proposed causes of déjà vu?
Biological dysfunction
Implicit familiarity
Subjective perception
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Psychologist Alan Brown's three causes for déjà vu include biological dysfunction (caused by a condition such as epilepsy), implicit familiarity (we have associate similar previous experiences with the one at hand) and divided perception (we take in what's around us but don't register it until later).

How did Sigmund Freud explain déjà vu?
Déjà vu was an expression of love for a person's mother.
Déjà vu was a result of repressed memories.
Déjà vu was the result of cocaine use.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Sigmund Freud's theory of paramnesia held that déjà vu was the result of repressed desires or memories that could no longer be accessed as regular memories.

How does the dual processing theory explain déjà vu?
The temporal lobe receives information twice, but sometimes defines the second transmission as a much earlier memory.
We relive scenes from movies or books when we experience something similar.
Our memories are holograms that are recreated when the event happens again.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Robert Efron found that the temporal lobe received incoming information twice, with a very slight delay between transmissions. If the second transmission is delayed longer than a few milliseconds, the brain might put the wrong time stamp on the information.


If you wake up from a dream with the feeling that you've already had that dream, what are you experiencing?
déjà su
déjà pressenti
déjà rêvé
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Déjà rêvé is the term for "already dreamt."

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Dougal Waters/DigitalVision/Getty Images