Test Your Knowledge: Mother-Daughter Relationships

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Test Your Knowledge: Mother-Daughter Relationships
Image: Dorling Kindersley/Getty Images

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Which is more difficult -- getting along with your mom or taking this quiz? Answer these questions and see.
All mother-daughter relationships fall under which category?
There is no one category.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Mother-daughter relationships are as diverse as the women and girls involved in them.

What is a common complaint daughters have about mothers?
that their mother is out of touch
that their mother is overly critical
that their mother is moody
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Psychologists have found that criticism is something daughters often accuse their mothers of.

What is one of the biggest enemies of mother-daughter relationships?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Being unable to face the reality of your relationship may make it difficult to ever be on the best possible terms with your mother or daughter.


When conflict in a mother-daughter relationship arises, the best thing to do is what?
ignore it
point it out
repair it
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

An unresolved conflict between a mom and daughter can be damaging to all of the relationships in a woman's life.

Who is the best person to bring into an adult mother-daughter conflict?
the father
a sibling
no one else
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Unless emotional or physical abuse are involved, it's best that mothers and daughters keep third parties out of their arguments.

A traditional mother-daughter relationship involving a minor daughter is called what?
a vertical relationship
a hierarchal relationship
a matriarchal relationship
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In a hierarchal relationship, the mother has leadership and authority over the daughter.


What percentage of women between the ages of 21 and 54 consider their mother one of their best friends?
39 percent
56 percent
71 percent
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Changing dynamics between mothers and daughters mean a greater number of women -- 71 percent, in fact -- consider friendship an important component of the relationship.

For the mother of a young or adolescent girl, over-emphasizing friendship in the relationship can have what negative effect?
the blurring of boundaries
making the mom seem less cool
spoiling the daughter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

When a mother puts a greater emphasis on friendship than parenting, it can be confusing to the daughter and cause a reduction in structure and guidance for her.

What's the name of the trend in which mothers mimic the fashion, shopping and pop-culture choices of their adolescent daughters?
twin moms
copycat moms
daughter doppelgangers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Copycatting isn't just for serial killers and classroom test cheats. In a misguided attempt to regain youthfulness, some mothers are dressing and acting like their teens.


Browsing through magazines with your daughter is a great way to bring up the topic of what?
body image
a homework project
her messy room
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Mothers play an important role in helping make girls aware of the distorted media messages regarding their bodies.

What percentage of moms think mothering a daughter is more fraught with conflict than mothering a son?
30 percent
50 percent
90 percent
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While it can at times be joyous and rewarding, 90 percent of moms can tell you that mother-daughter relationships also run the risk of being contentious.

What pair of inanimate objects best represents communication between a mother and daughter?
end tables
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A pair of chairs can be back to back, face to face or side by side, representing a mother and daughter's refusal to communicate, agreement to communicate or agreement to move forward together.


Forty-five percent of men say their mother was more influential in their lives than their father was. What percentage of women say the same?
35 percent
68 percent
78 percent
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

At 68 percent, women are somewhat more likely than men to see their mother as the most influential parent.

What is it called when, later in life, the mother-daughter relationship reverses and the daughter becomes more like a parent?
daughter-mother relationship
evolved motherhood
reverse nurture
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

As mothers and daughters age, roles can reverse, and the daughter becomes better equipped to take on a nurturing caregiver role.

If a daughter is enmeshed with her mother, it's likely to mean what?
She won't make decisions without her mother's input.
She and her mother think the same thoughts.
She secretly hates her mother.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

An enmeshed relationship is an extremely close one, but can create indecision and a lack of independence.


Regardless of whether or not the relationship is close, many daughters still have which fear about their mothers?
that their mother doesn't love them
that they will become just like their mother
that their mother favors their brother
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Many women have the age-old fear of "becoming" their mother.

Sixty-eight percent of women between the ages of 18 and 35 suspect that their mothers resent what?
their father
their appearance
their life choices
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Many adult daughters feel they don't have their mother's full approval on the way they live their lives.

When a mother and adult daughter clash often, it can be because of what reason?
overestimating the other's control
dislike of one another
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Daughters and mothers who give the other a sense of importance can help quell frequent clashes.


When a mother-daughter relationship becomes sisterly, what problem can arise?
They gossip about one another.
They develop a rivalry.
They bond too closely.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Competitiveness is a side effect of a sister-like mother-daughter relationship.

What stepdaughter do stepmoms have the hardest time bonding with?
the youngest daughter
the middle daughter
the oldest daughter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Eldest daughters tend to be loyal to their mothers and the most difficult for a stepmom to connect with.

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