Dude, where's my desk? Staying Organized at Work Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Dude, where's my desk? Staying Organized at Work Quiz
Image: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

About This Quiz

Even if your desk isn't literally lost under piles of work, sometimes it feels like that. To keep yourself on track, take this quiz to figure out how to stay efficient and organized at work. (Don’t worry, we won't tell if you're doing it during office hours ... )
If you haven't seen your desk in weeks and are pondering sending out an APB, this question's for you. What's a good strategy for keeping the piles at bay?
put things away as you go
once a week, do a major cleaning
just throw everything away and buy all new stuff -- repeat every two weeks
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Cleaning as you go may seem like a tedious chore, but trust us: It will help you keep your desk tidy in the long run.

The phone's ringing, you have urgent e-mails to answer and your boss needs that report in ten minutes. How do you tackle the situation?
Multitask. If you return the e-mails while answering the phone, you'll get everything done in a jiffy.
Prioritize and focus your attention on one thing at a time.
Give your notice.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

We know it's tempting to multitask, but taking on one task at a time will allow you to focus better and work to completion.

You've been sitting at your desk for seven hours straight. How should you revive yourself?
push through
walk around or check your favorite Web site for ten minutes
crawl under your desk for a quick nap
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although the nap would be ideal, do remember that it's important to motivate yourself with rewards to stay on task.


What should you use a work calendar for?
strictly work-related activities
setting up online dates
work deadlines and personal reminders
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Use a work calendar for both work and personal issues, eliminating multiple planning sources.

What's one thing you can do every day to maintain a healthy work environment (besides laughing at your boss' jokes)?
take a smoke break every hour
use the first 20 minutes of your day to plan a daily schedule
answer e-mails while on the phone
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Keep your habits positive and build them into your day.

What should you use the auto-filter setting on e-mail for?
putting all your personal corresponce in one folder
keeping all your projects separate
Both of the above.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Auto-filter will allow you to prioritize and organize those mountains of e-mails that flood your inbox every day.


Does multitasking really improve your work performance?
Sure. You can paint your nails and Skype into a conference all at once!
Nope. Studies show it makes you dumb.
Maybe, if your job includes juggling flaming torches while tightrope walking.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A study conducted by Hewlett-Packard showed that IQ drops when workers are distracted by e-mails or phone calls.

What's a good way to motivate yourself for work?
add a picture of your dog or your mom to your workspace
put up several dozen motivational quotes on sticky notes around your computer screen
get rid of that baby kitten calendar -- its cuteness is distracting
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Adding personal, pleasant touches to your space will make you feel better about your environment -- and hopefully, more inclined to get work done.

Where should you keep your to-do pile?
You shouldn't even have a to-do pile. It should all be DONE.
Don't even keep a to-do pile; just keep track of things in your head.
Keep it handy but out of sight.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Keeping your inbox out of sight will allow you to focus on the task at hand -- instead of creating anxiety about what still needs to be done.


What's a good way to communicate your goals to your boss without being that really annoying person who's constantly trying to get her attention and approval?
send her an e-mail with a list of projects and progress
casually mention it in conversation
Either of the above.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

However, you do it, keeping communication about goals open will make your ambitions more realistic and accountable.

So you've got a gigantic project looming near. What's the best way to approach getting it done without ending up crying in the bathroom?
set incremental, smaller tasks as goals to completing the larger project
tell yourself if you don't get your project done in a record amount of time, you're a worthless human being
make your assistant or some underling do the most boring parts
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Small goals are realistic, and they allow you to adjust for change.

How necessary is a tidy desk for work?
It's essential. The only things on your desk should be a pencil, paper and your Garfield coffee mug.
It's totally not necessary. In fact, the messier, the better!
Whatever works for you.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While a huge pile of papers isn't ideal for most people, some don't find it a bother. Create a system that works for you and stick with it.


What's a good rule of thumb for managing tasks?
do a few at once
handle all papers only once
ignore everything until you're done with one thing
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Handling each paper once will allow you to finish a task and get organized in one fell swoop.

It's Monday, and you've got a laundry list of items to get done this week. How will you keep track of tasks in a way that doesn't leave you feeling totally swamped?
use a notepad and paper
use an online calendar
use any system that works for you
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

No system is inherently better or worse, as long as you're motivated to use it.

How does setting goals help you improve your job performance?
by creating motivation for completing tasks
by creating a timeline for progress
Both of the above.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Setting goals keeps you on task, and it'll also provide momentum for completing them.


What's the primary factor to keep in mind when prioritizing?
Both of the above.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Remember to allow for both time and importance to play a part in how you prioritize. Getting something done faster doesn't mean it should be done first.

What resources can you use at work to help yourself get organized?
sneaking a peak at your boss' day planner
a department-wide system of keeping track of tasks
daily check-ins with HR about your performance
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Get your co-workers in on the act by instituting a departmental system for communicating progress and deadlines.

When starting a new job, how can you kick off your performance in an organized way?
keep a spreadsheet, notebook or calendar for different projects, systems or things you need to keep track of for HR
ask your boss to make you a list of assignments
listen covertly to co-workers' conversations about what they say needs to be done. Then repeat what they say in meetings before they can bring it up.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Taking separate notes on tasks, duties, deadlines and systems will allow you to make easy reference.


What's the best part of being organized at work?
You have more time to focus on the tasks you need to.
Your co-workers will be jealous of you.
You can go home earlier if you're more organized.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Being organized means not only a more relaxed attitude, but the ability to stay on task.

How does keeping papers filed away help you?
You can ignore them.
Your office space looks tidier and nicer.
Both of the above.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

There's no reason to be distracted by mounds of paperwork. Tuck unnecessary files out of sight and be rewarded with a cleaner office space.

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