Oh My Gosh, an Orgasm Quiz!

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2 min
Oh My Gosh, an Orgasm Quiz!
Image: Noviembre Anita Vela/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Oh, oh, it's magic. Yes, we're talking about orgasms, those physiological fireworks that erupt at the heights of sexual ectasy. But orgasms are also like snowflakes -- each one is a little bit different for different people. Test your knowhow of the Big O with this blizzard of facts about how the ultimate pleasurable sensation works in the human body.
What famous research team mapped out the physiology of orgasms?
Watson and Crick
Kinsey and Gebhard
Masters and Johnson
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

After 12 years of studying orgasmic experiences among 694 men and women, William H. Masters and Virginia Johnson published "Human Sexual Response" in 1966.

Masters and Johnson divided sex and orgasm into how many phases?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In their 1966 book “Human Sexual Response,” Masters and Johnson divided the sexual response cycle into four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution.

In female brains, the lateral orbitofrontal cortex shuts down during sex. What behavior does that inhibit?
mate fitness assessment
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Since the body knows that sex isn't an opportune time to think about how we look, it flips off the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, a mechanism located behind the left eye that promotes self-evaluation.


Which of the following brain regions de-engages when men have sex?
nucleus accumbens
ventral tegmental area
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In male brains, activity in the aggression-inducing amygdala slows during coitus.

Which of the following nerves isn't involved in orgasmic response?
pudental nerve
hypogastric nerve
medial nerve
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

During an orgasm, the central nervous system fully engages, directing messages of escalating enjoyment along the pelvic, pudendal and hypogastric nerve endings in the genital regions back to the brain’s reward system and vice versa.

The term "refractory period" refers to what aspect of male sexual response?
inability to have successive orgasms
post-coital sleepiness
premature ejaculation
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Male sexual physiology involves a post-orgasmic resting period, or refractory period, rather than the potential for multiple orgasms.


What percent of American women are "very satisfied" with how often they orgasm?
16 percent
32 percent
64 percent
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In the 2010 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior conducted by Indiana University, 64 percent of women reported being “very satisfied” with how often they achieve orgasm.

True or false: Lesbian couples report climaxing more often than heterosexual women.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Lesbians indeed report greater orgasmic frequency. Alfred Kinsey’s early surveys found that nearly 68 percent of lesbian partners report climaxing 90 to 100 percent of the time, versus 40 percent of heterosexual married women.

According to a 2009 survey from Stanford University, 44 percent of men achieve orgasm during one-night stands, compared to what percentage of women?
19 percent
39 percent
59 percent
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Only a minority of women successfully climax during sexual flings. According to that survey, only 19 percent of heterosexual women reach an orgasm during one-night stands.


In sex research, the "rule of thumb" refers to what?
distance between the clitoris and vaginal opening
penile tip length
penile-vaginal intercourse
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The "rule of thumb" refers to clitoral-vaginal distance and correlates to women's orgasmic frequency from vaginal intercourse. It was first posited by Princess Marie Bonaparte in 1924.

The byproduct theory of female orgasms likens the clitoris to what part of the male anatomy?
male nipples
prostate gland
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Byproduct proponents maintain that clitoral and penile tissues are borne of the same embryological stuff, developing into one or the other once biological sex traits set in. In that way, the female clitoris is comparable to the male penis.

True or false: Female orgasms last longer.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

On average, female orgasms last between 13 to 51 seconds, while men max out at 10 to 30 seconds.


The "Sperm Wars" theory claims that oxytocin released during female orgasm does what?
kills unfit sperm
up-sucks semen into the vaginal canal
primes the pelvic muscles for multiple orgasms
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to zoologist Robin Baker, who popularized the long-held theory with his 1996 book “Sperm Wars,” uterine contractions along with oxytocin released during orgasm suction potent semen upward into the vaginal canal.

Sex researcher Alfred Kinsey estimated that multiple orgasms were possible for what percentage of the female population?
0 percent
14 percent
54 percent
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Kinsey didn't think many women could muster multiples, estimating that only 14 percent of American women were capable of repeated O's. A 1991 study upped that percentage to 41.

True or false: Women are far more likely to achieve orgasm through vaginal, rather than clitoral, stimulation.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Precisely the opposite is true. According to data from the Kinsey Institute, integrating clitoral stimulation, as opposed to exclusively vaginal penetration, raises a woman's chances of climaxing to roughly 90 percent.


When Alfred Kinsey tested how far ejaculate travels during orgasm, what was the winning length?
2 feet (0.6 meters)
4 feet (1.2 meters)
8 feet (2.4 meters)
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Recruiting a couple hundred male volunteers to his Indiana University laboratory in the late 1940s, Alfred Kinsey placed sheets on the floor and asked the men to masturbate, notating how far their seminal fluid traveled. The long-distance winner’s semen traversed almost 8 feet (2.4 meters).

Globally, what percentage of men struggle with premature ejaculation?
5 percent
30 percent
55 percent
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Premature ejaculation is more common that you might think. A 2005 global survey calculated a 30 percent prevalence rate among sexually active men.

How quickly does ejaculate move through the urethra on its way out of the penis?
13 miles per hour (20.9 kilometers per hour)
28 miles per hour (45 kilometers per hour)
42 miles per hour (67.5 kilometers per hour)
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Propelled by a handful of pelvic contractions, ejaculate moves through the urethra at a swift 28 miles per hour (45 kilometers per hour), on average. It then slows down drastically during its narrow escape, and once inside the vagina, the typical 1 to 2 teaspoons of ejaculate eases to a veritable crawl, clocking in at 0.0011 miles per hour (.0018 kilometers per hour).


The Skene's glands are another name for what?
female prostate
G spot
fallopian tubes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Alternately known as the female prostate, Skene’s glands are located in tissue surrounding the urethra, which has been thought to produce an ejaculate-like substance during orgasm.

Roughly what percentage of men fake orgasms?
5 percent
20 percent
50 percent
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A study from the University of Kansas found that about 20 percent of men in the sample population had pretended to have an orgasm at some point.

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Noviembre Anita Vela/Moment/Getty Images