The Ultimate Atavisms Quiz

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2 min
The Ultimate Atavisms Quiz
Image: China Photos/Stringer/Getty Images News/Getty Images

About This Quiz

An atavism is a trait from a distant evolutionary ancestor that has reappeared in a modern-day creature, like a whale with legs. A whale with legs? Take this quiz and learn about atavistic whales and other animals.
What is an atavism?
It is any unusual physical deformity.
It refers to a distasteful stereotype.
It's a trait of a distant ancestor that has reappeared.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

An atavism is a trait of a distant ancestor that reappears in the modern day.

In which species do atavisms occur?
only humans
humans and animals
only animals
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It happens with humans and other animals.

What is considered an atavism?
a whale with legs
a person with excessive body hair
an animal with an inherited physical defect
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A good example is a whale with legs.


Is a child with a large amount of facial hair an atavism -- a reminder of our origins from the apes?
a good example
depends on the amount of hair
not at all
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Since ape faces are hairless, this is not an atavism, unless we are descendants of werewolves.

What is the most common human atavism?
webbed fingers
human tail
missing fingers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The human tail is the one you have heard about the most.

So how do atavisms happen?
inherited DNA
deformed gene
random fluke of nature
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

One theory says that genes, such as those governing growth of a tail, are not lost in evolution but are inactive. During the development of the embryo something unknown "turns on" that gene.


What is a vestigial structure?
It's a surviving body part that doesn't serve its original purpose.
It's an extinct part of the vestigial species.
It's any physical anomaly.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They are body parts that survive although they don't serve their original purpose, like an ostrich's wings, since it can't fly.

Back to the whale: How could it once have had legs?
Legs used to help them swim but later became a nuisance and were lost.
They used them to fight with until they perfected other means.
They once walked on dry land.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Scientists believe that millions of years ago the ancestors of the whale walked on land. At some stage they took to the sea, probably in search of food, and since they no longer needed their legs in the water, eventually lost them.

What does Dollo's Law have to say about evolution?
Evolution is dynamic and open to changes of all kinds.
Things lost in evolution cannot reappear.
Evolution can easily be tampered with.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It states that evolution is irreversible: Once things are lost they cannot reappear.


How does Louis Bolk's theory -- that only mammals other than humans can express atavisms -- affect the phenomenon of a human tail?
The human tail is a genetic fluke.
It has a direct correlation.
Humans are vertebrates and vertebrates can grow tails.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This would make the human tail a genetic fluke, but all vertebrates can grow a tail and humans are vertebrates. This fact seems to negate his theory.

Why do atavisms happen?
nobody knows
global warming
dietary changes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Scientists still don't know, despite all their research.

Can atavism be accurately attributed to other areas, such as psychology?
It can be used for any anomaly or behavioral throwback
This would be inaccurate.
This is an ideal area for use of the term.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Atavism is used, inaccurately, to describe man's aggression as an atavism relating to his ancient past as a barbaric hunter.


What is the place of atavisms in evolution?
Tend to refute evolution theory.
They give credence to the theory of evolution.
We don't know.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The truth is we simply don't know.

What do people think about when they hear "genetic information"?
designer children
DNA studies
understanding evolution
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They often think about controversial subjects like cloning or designer children.

Are extra fingers or toes definitely human atavisms?
These are clear examples.
It's only speculation.
They are simply genetic flukes.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

At present we can only speculate until more is known.


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China Photos/Stringer/Getty Images News/Getty Images