Can We Guess If You're Gen X, Baby Boomer or Millennial Based on Your Pet Peeves?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
Can We Guess If You're Gen X, Baby Boomer or Millennial Based on Your Pet Peeves?
Image: Christopher Robbins / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Humans throughout the ages have been annoyed by certain things, such as people who chew with their mouths open, screaming kids and folks who ask how old you are. But some pet peeves are entirely generational. For instance, baby boomers are always up for answering the phone, while millennials are more scared of phone calls than they are of rampaging bears. Gen Xers are seldom afraid to confront others with negative opinions, while millennials feel that it's more polite to ghost the people that you don't agree with.

Think we've got it wrong? This quiz is your chance to find out the truth! We've come up with an array of common pet peeves, from going on a date with someone who won't stop checking their phone to having an office colleague who wears awfully strong perfume. We're also covering breastfeeding in public, tipping and political Facebook posts. Your job is to react to these scenarios honestly, sharing your true emotions about each behavior. Through your answers, our quiz supercomputer will determine EXACTLY the generation you come from!

Ready to find out whether you're a typical millennial, Gen Xer or baby boomer? Drop everything else you're doing and come on a pet peeve journey with us!

You call a friend to make weekend plans, but they never call you back (even though you left a message). How do you feel?
Slightly annoyed. They should have called me back!
Confused. I've never called a friend to make plans in my life!
Worried. My friend must be ill; that's the only reason why they wouldn't return my call.
What's a "weekend"?
People who write "reign in" when they mean "rein in" should be ... ?
Mildly criticized
Forgiven. I mean, what's the difference?
Mocked. What a dumb mistake.
Medically examined. The only person who "reigns" is Queen Victoria!
Imagine you're on a city bus. A man gets on and starts watching a Fox News video without headphones so that everyone on board has to hear it. Are you irked?
No. I just put on my own headphones.
Yes. Ugh, why are people so rude?
I'm pleased, actually. I love hearing the latest news!
What's a "video"?


Two words: Taylor Swift. What do you think of this individual?
She's talented but smug and cutesy.
She's my girl!!!!
She's the human equivalent of vanilla yogurt.
I'm not sure. Is she truly a fast seamstress?
People who tip less than 20% at sit-down restaurants are what?
Normal. 15 to 18% is a totally acceptable tip.
Completely reasonable. In fact, 10% is a fine tip, to be honest.
Serving is its own reward. No financial compensation is necessary.
If your neighbor had several broken-down cars in their yard, you would feel ... ?
Frustrated. They're bringing down property values.
Neutral. I mean, who cares?
Furious!!! How dare they ruin my neighborhood?
By "car," do you mean "carriage"?


You and your best friend are trying to catch up over dinner. But a family of screaming kids is making it impossible for you to hear each other speak. How annoying is that?
Very annoying. But easy to fix — we can just go sit in the bar.
SO ANNOYING. People with kids should basically just stay home.
Aw, I think it's cute. I remember when my family was in the same boat.
Children should be seen and not heard.
Does it make you uncomfortable when women swear a lot?
No. Why would it?
I don't like swearing in general.
Not socially, but it's weird in professional situations.
No lady would dare swear in my presence!
If someone younger than you called you "hon" or "bud," you'd feel ... ?
Skeptical. Who do they think they are?
Charmed. That sounds so cute!
Incensed. How dare they???
Confused. Do they not know who I am?


What do you think of people who constantly complain about their problems without doing anything about them?
They need to shut up.
They're relatable, fam!
I claim I hate that, but TBH I do that myself all the time.
They are fools and will likely perish in a poorhouse.
Instead of texting you, your friend actually calls you on the phone! What's your first thought?
Huh, they must really want to talk.
OMG, someone's dead!
Cool, it sounds like someone's up for a chat.
I cannot believe that Alexander Graham Bell has finally attained his aim!
Employees who check their social media accounts constantly during work are what in your opinion?
Typical lazy millennials
Normal as heck buds!
Time thieves!!!
Wicked, sure, but what about those gadabouts who want Saturdays free? They're the worst!


Let's say you just made a new friend. After adding them on Facebook, you realize that almost all their posts are incredibly political. What do you do?
Argue with them, day and night!
Snooze them forever
Defriend them
I do not have Facebook, sir!
People who don't recycle are ... ?
Selfish fools
Garbage themselves
Probably too busy to do it
Lol, "recycling."
You've been dating a cutie for about a month when suddenly, without warning, they stop replying to your texts. How do you feel about being ghosted like this?
Pained. What happened?
Slightly irritated. But I get it. It's over.
Outraged. I'm at least owed a conversation!
Ghosts impact many people of my generation. To exorcise them, a priest is necessary.


Someone who calls the police because they spotted teenagers shoplifting is ... ?
Goofy. The police have bigger fish to fry.
A menace. They're preventing emergency services from helping people in trouble!
Smart. You gotta be tough on crime.
Foolish. Thieves are deterred by the flashing of one's sword, not law enforcement.
Imagine you're on the hiring committee for an entry-level position at your company. The first interviewee shows up in flip flops. What is your reaction?
What an idiot. Bye.
Huh, they seem like fun!
Does this whippersnapper not care about impressing me or what?
Clearly this person has recently escaped from a mental hospital. Detain them!
Having an opinion about everything is ... ?
Not necessary
Really high-key (and not in a good way!)
Natural. After all, the personal is political!
True thinkers cannot help but cogitate upon the issues of the day, OK?


Are people who complain about "haters" annoying AF or correct?
I hate people who hate haters.
Ew, haters are exhausting!
I like being a hater, but I don't like being called one.
Seems like a nonsensical term applied by the thin-skinned to those with legitimate critiques. I call fie upon it!
Is tailgating fine or the worst?
The worst!
Hey, it happens.
One should never allow the tail of one's horse to touch a gate!
You're excited about your first date with a hot friend of a friend. However, throughout the course of your cozy dinner out together, they haven't stopped fiddling with their phone. Is there going to be a date #2?
No. Nope. No way.
Sure! I was looking at my phone too.
Absolutely not. In fact, I'm going to yell at the friend who set us up.
Depends. Is this individual quite comely, or nah?


Email chains — are they the bane of your life or a good way to gather consensus?
The bane of my life!
A good way to gather consensus
A mildly annoying office phenomenon
Mail is lyfe, bb!
Being left on read for an hour — is it a catastrophe, disaster or no big deal?
No big deal
Sounds like a minor disaster to me.
I don't know what "being left on read" means. Could you enlighten me?
People who wear strong floral perfume to the office are ... ?
A bit weird, but who cares?
Always activating my allergies
Normal as heck!
Quite sensible. After all, how else is one to protect oneself from the reek of the streets?


Your sister-in-law just had a baby and openly breastfeeds at family gatherings. What do you think of this choice?
It's a bit extra, but whatever.
She should do whatever she wants!
OMG, that's inappropriate.
She should be ejected onto the street!
Today, there's a 45-minute wait at your favorite brunch place. Will you wait anyway or no?
No. I don't have time for that biz.
Sure, why not? I don't have anything better to do.
Are you kidding me? 45 minutes is an eternity!
I think I'd just challenge one of the tables to a duel. Problem solved!
People who let their dogs off-leash in public are ... ?
Letting their pups enjoy some well-deserved freedom
Scaring me!
Entitled jerks who don't care about others' safety
Why would one leash one's hound?


In your opinion, should guests at a dinner party help their hosts clean up?
If they want to, but it's not necessary.
Nah, that's an old-fashioned idea.
Women should definitely help.
No. That's what servants are for!
Do you like it when you're included in group texts?
No. I can't stand all those notifications.
I guess? I'm in like 10 group texts right now and it's a lot.
Yeah. It makes me feel like my social life is more exciting than it actually is.
I'm an avid correspondent and am known for writing rather witty letters.
Neighbors who have loud parties are ... ?
Chill, and I hope they invite me over!
Violating the law
In the pink of fashion!


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