Can We Guess Your Soulmate's Initials?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess Your Soulmate's Initials?
Image: RichLegg / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

The Greek philosopher Plato wrote about the concept of soulmates in "The Symposium" and the story was quite bizarre.  In this tale, humans were originally not separated by gender.  We were kind of a monstrous species that had two heads, four arms and four legs and, as a result of all those ridiculous appendages, we used to cartwheel around all over the place.  The gods feared these cartwheeling beasts, and so Zeus cut them in two, to keep them in check.  The resulting humans, now split into two separate sexes, were miserable as they longed to find their other half and only achieved any kind of real happiness again once they did so.  And that, essentially, is your soulmate.  it is the literal other half of yourself. At least in that story, which of course was meant to be a little bit preposterous. 

Your soulmate likely was never torn away from you by a Greek god, but you know that when you find the right person, it does feel like you're truly complete.  But how do you truly know if it's the right one?  Well, that takes time, but we can help!  Answer some questions and we'll tell you the initials of your soulmate. What are you waiting for? Cartwheel into the quiz and see!

If you were going to date a superhero, which one would you be most likely to choose based on personality?
Wonder Woman
Black Panther
Iron Man
Where would be an ideal place for someone to take you on a first date?
Maybe a bonfire down on a beach
A day at an amusement park
A night out at the club
A dinner at an elegant restaurant
Which of these dating apps do you feel is the worst option for meeting someone you want to get serious with?
OK Cupid


What would be the least impressive place a first date could take you?
Open mic night
A family dinner
A movie
What time of year is your absolute favorite?
We all like to indulge now and then. What's your favorite junk food?
Salty snacks
Does coffee count?


If money was no issue, where would you go on your next vacation?
I'd pick a cruise.
Las Vegas
If guests showed up to your house unannounced right now, is there any part of your home you wouldn't want them to see?
My bedroom
My closet
My bathroom
it's all good!
What's the single best drink you can order if you're in a bar?
I'm not a big drinker.


When you're scrolling through Netflix, what genre are you most likely to be looking at for a movie to watch?
Every holiday has its perks, but which holiday do you enjoy the most?
Valentine's Day
Independence Day
You don't have to have a record contract to want to sing. Where do you sing the most?
In the shower
In the car
It can happen any time, anywhere.
I'm not really a singer.


What would you say is your best physical quality?
My eyes
My smile
My butt
I stay in great shape.
Where would you most like to build a dream house?
A nice, big house in the country
I'd love a cabin in the woods.
Something out in the suburbs
I'd love a downtown penthouse.
If you're home by yourself and hungry for a meal, what are you most likely to whip up?
I'll cook a pasta dish.
Probably just a quick sandwich
I'll find something in the freezer and heat it up.
Maybe a quick salad


If someone wanted to bring you flowers, what kind would you most like to receive?
Online shopping is just so much easier than going out. What's your go-to online retailer?
What do you feel is the best way to spend a long weekend in the summer?
With family and friends
At the beach
A nice vacation out of town


Not everyone wants a dog or a cat. Which of these unusual pets is most appealing to you?
Pygmy goat
Giant African land snail
Ball python
When you're out at a party, do you feel pretty comfortable and sociable?
I'm usually very sociable.
I like to be the center of attention.
If you need to go get some fresh fruits and vegetables, where would you most like to go?
A farmers market
A roadside fruit and veggie stand
The local grocery store


If you have to go on a major trip somewhere, what mode of travel would you most enjoy?
I would love to travel by boat.
I never travel by train but I want to.
I could drive.
A plane is probably the fastest option.
What kind of get-togethers do you have with your family?
We get together constantly for everything.
Just the regular stuff, I guess.
We have family reunions.
We do holidays.
How would you cook a steak if you had to whip one up right now?
I'd pop it in the oven.
I'm frying it.
Can I order in?
Right on the grill


Which of these mishaps is going to guarantee you don't give someone a second date?
They forget my name.
They have B.O.
They're on their phone all the time.
We go out for fast food.
So what's going on with your love life right this moment?
I'm married.
I'm dating.
You don't want to get into it.
I'm actively looking.
What is the absolute best kind of cookie you can eat?
Peanut butter
Chocolate chip


When it comes to taking care of yourself, what do you like to do to stay in shape?
I don't have a fixed routine.
I jog.
I work out at home.
I go to the gym.
If you could join any TV show family, which family would you want to be a part of?
The Belchers on "Bob's Burgers."
The Pritchetts on "Modern Family"
The Simpsons!
The Kardashians
What do you do with your downtime when you get away from work?
I like to relax with friends.
I like to party.
I like to read.
I like to work out.


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