Can You Answer These Basic Bible Questions Every Christian Should Know?

By: Tasha Moore
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Answer These Basic Bible Questions Every Christian Should Know?
Image: Steve Debenport/E+/GettyImages

About This Quiz

It's time to wipe the dust off of your Bible that you haven't opened since Confirmation. That's if you can even find this most sacred text in your book collection. (Check the back of the bookshelf...on the last shelf. It's the only book that's encased in cobwebs.) After you've exorcized the resident spiders from thy blessed tome, give it a thumb-through. Then take this basic Bible quiz to prove that you are smarter than a fifth-grade Sunday School student. Christians and non-Christians should be able to answer this celebrated Bible trivia.  Recall classic holy facts about biblical heavyweights, such as Moses, Judas, Lazarus...and if Jesus hasn't come to mind yet, you are in trouble.

Come on! You remember the baby Jesus Christmas story, his epic Golden Rule interlude, the water-into-wine mega-miracle, those awkward moments from The Last Supper, and many other Jesus stories that your priest, pastor, nun or nana tried to ingrain into you as a youth. Would your former religion masters shake their heads in unison upon seeing you stumble over the most rudimentary Christian lore?  Or would they rejoice and be exceedingly glad when they see you ace this quiz? Your judgment awaits, so click on!

What is the first book of the Bible?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Genesis means "origin" or "coming into being," and the first book of the Bible is a book of many firsts. In this book, the earth forms, light shines for the first time, the first people appear, and the Israelite lineage begins.

What animal tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden?
A Serpent
An Ox
A Field Mouse
An Ostrich
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Bible describes the serpent as "more [subtle] than any beast of the field." The serpent's words to Eve were quite enticing. He suggested that if she and Adam ate the fruit from the tree, they would be like gods and have great knowledge.

In the story of Noah, God told Noah to warn the people about what cataclysmic event?
An Earthquake
A Tornado
A Flood of Waters
A Wildfire
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Within the past several years, archaeologists have suggested there may be strong proof that the Biblical account of the "Great Flood" actually happened. Researchers suspect that major activity connected to the event occurred in the area that encompasses the Black Sea along the coast of Turkey.


Which is the correct commandment?
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."
"Thou shall not speak falsely unto thy neighbor."
"Remember they neighbor and keep them holy."
"Rest on the seventh day with thy neighbor."
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The commandments that are revealed in the Old Testament are so central to the Christian faith, that several of them and their themes reappear throughout the New Testament. Jesus echoes a similar commandment in the book of Matthew, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

In the book of Genesis, where did God place Adam and Eve?
The Antarctic
The Island of Patmos
The Garden of Eden
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

God told Adam and Eve they could eat the fruit of any tree in the garden but one, and the two rebelled. Perhaps the Garden of Eden story is a commentary about human nature. The things humans can't or shouldn't have are usually the most tempting.

In the book of John, Jesus turns water into which beverage?
Coconut Water
Cow's milk
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The water-into-wine transformation happened at the Marriage of Cana. When the wine ran out at the wedding, Jesus blessed the revelers by performing this miracle, which is considered his first.


During his crucifixion, to what was Jesus nailed?
A Tree
A Cross
A Signpost
An Overpass
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The crucifixion story of Jesus is recorded in all four Gospels, which are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The stories give graphic accounts of human suffering, sacrifice and spiritual transformation.

According to the book of Exodus, to whom did God reveal the commandments?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The first five books of the Bible are ascribed to Moses. Although it is most commonly known that Moses received the 10 Commandments, there are actually 613 commandments that mention every aspect of life.

What is the name of the last meal that Jesus shared with his disciples?
The Blessed Banquet
The Holy Snack
The Final Brunch
The Last Supper
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Italian artist Leonardo Da Vinci painted a rendition of the Biblical Last Supper story, circa 1495 to 1498. Duke of Milan Ludovico Sforza commissioned the painting.


Which disciple betrayed Jesus to receive 30 pieces of silver?
Judas Iscariot
Simon Peter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Judas sealed his betrayal of Jesus with a kiss. Judas told the chief priests to cart off the one whom he kissed.

What is the name of Jesus' mother?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to the Bible, the angel Gabriel was sent to inform the Virgin Mary that she was to conceive Jesus. This account is found in the Book of Luke.

What kind of boat did God tell Noah to build?
A Canoe
An Ark
A Yacht
A Raft
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to the Book of Genesis, God gave Noah very specific instructions for building the ark. For example, in the sixth chapter of Genesis God says, "The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits."


Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates which significant Biblical event?
The Resurrection of Lazarus
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Parting of the Red Sea
The Creation of the World
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Easter is the major Christian holiday that celebrates Jesus' victory over death and his subsequent resurrection as depicted in the Bible. Many Christians believe that these two events are the cornerstone of their faith.

In the Garden of Eden, what did the serpent tempt Eve to eat?
Daily Bread
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Western culture often depicts Eve eating a red apple from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. The Bible, however, refers to the food she chose to eat as "fruit" or "fruit of the tree."

What type of bed was baby Jesus placed in after he was born?
A Bassinet
A Cradle
A Manger
A Wicker Chaise Lounge
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The book of Luke is the only Gospel that offers details about the humble manger in which the baby Jesus was placed. The book states that baby Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in the manger because there was no room for them (Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus) in the inn.


The book of Exodus is primarily about which group of people?
The Philistines
The Arabians
The Israelites
The Assyrians
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In B.C. times, the small nation of Israel had very little cultural significance in the Near East region. Today, the tenets of the Israelites' spiritual heritage is the cornerstone of Western values.

How many of each animal did God instruct Noah to save from the coming flood?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Noah's ark must have been rather huge. The book of Genesis states that God told Noah to bring a pair (one male, one female) of every living thing onto the ark.

How many disciples did Jesus have?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Bible teaches that Jesus chose his disciples among common men. The chosen were required to give up everything and follow him. Apparently, 12 made the cut.


David killed which towering foe at the Valley of Elah?
Julius Caesar
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Goliath towered over David. But David was equipped with courage and a slingshot, both of which he used to slay Goliath in one of the most celebrated victories of the Bible.

What is the name of Abraham's wife?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Many people confuse Hagar, a handmaid, with Sarah because Hagar gave birth to Abraham's first child, Ishmael. Sarah was Abraham's loyal and supportive wife who thought she could not conceive at her age.

What holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus as depicted in the Bible?
Maundy Thursday
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although Christians have long celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ during Christmas time, the holiday has Roman origins. In fact, the word "Christmas" does not appear in the Biblical text, and early Christians did not celebrate the holiday.


Who is the major Biblical figure who led the children of Israel out of bondage from Egypt?
King David
King Solomon
Mark the Disciple
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Moses was born of the Israel tribe of Levi. The daughter of Pharaoh discovered him as a baby nestled in a small ark floating on a river.

What is the name of Jesus' earthly father?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Bible teaches that the conception of Jesus was a holy act. The Book of Matthew says that an angel of the Lord informed Joseph that Jesus was conceived of the Holy Ghost.

What celestial body signaled the location of baby Jesus to the three wise men?
The Moon
Planet Jupiter
A Star
Planet Mars
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Book of Matthew mentions the star that heralds the birth of Jesus, but the other Gospels do not mention it. While the star symbol made the three wise men rejoice, it angered King Herod. When Herod heard that the three wise men were looking for baby Jesus to worship him, the Book of Matthew states that Herod "was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him."


According to the Ten Commandments, Christians must honor which two people?
Father and mother
Sister and brother
Priest and Nun
Pope and Cardinal
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This commandment comes with a slight warning. In the book of Exodus, the commandment states, "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee." So, a long life is the reward for Christians who honor their earthly origins.

According to the Bible, on what significant day will believers and non-believers be sentenced to spend eternity in either heaven or hell?
Valentine's Day
The Day of Judgment
Day of Pentecost
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Book of Revelation says that God has reserved a day to judge the earth. Jesus Christ will judge both the living and the dead on the Day of Judgment.

What is a devout follower of Christ called?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Gospel of John is quite a didactic text for Christians who strive to be more Christ-like, as it explains many miracles that Jesus performed and the meanings behind the good works. It is no wonder that the word "disciple" appears in the Book of John more than in the other Gospels.


According to the New Testament, in which city was Jesus born?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Jesus's birth city is mentioned in all of the Gospels, except the book of Mark. Bethlehem is mentioned five times in the book of Matthew, two times in the book of Luke, and once in the book of John.

How many wise men visited baby Jesus as he lay in a manger?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The three wise men were a tight-knit group of foreigners who sought to worship Jesus. And they came to Jesus bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The first story of the Bible is about which couple?
Abraham and Sarah
Adam and Eve
Joseph and Mary
Xerxes and Esther
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to the book of Genesis, God removed one of Adam's ribs while he slept and from it made Eve. God did so because Adam had said that he was lonely.


Which type of stories did Jesus use to teach his disciples?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The parables of Jesus have always been powerful teaching tools. The oral tradition from which parables evolved gave people from all walks of life the ability to learn moral codes from simplistic, clear and relatable teachings.

In the red-lettered King James Bible, whose words are written in red?
John the Baptist's
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The King James Bible was commissioned by King James I. In 1611, the king of England had the Old and New Testaments translated into English.

The New Testament is primarily about which major biblical figure?
John the Baptist
King Herod
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The New Testament gives accounts of the life and times of Jesus Christ. These accounts are told primarily through Jesus' disciples, many of whom later went on to share Jesus' teachings with others.


The Book of Revelation foretells of which major event?
Independence Day
Black Friday
The Apocalypse
The fall of the Roman Empire
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Other words for Apocalypse are "Armageddon," "Revelation," "Inferno" and "Great Disaster." Since the Book of Revelation is the last book of the Bible, you don't need to be a Biblical scholar to figure out that from cover to cover, the story doesn't end well for many folks.

In the book of Matthew, Jesus proclaims what Christians call the "Golden Rule." What were Jesus' words?
"Do unto others what ye would not want to be done unto ye."
"Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them."
"Tell thine authorities if men strike ye."
"Thine gold is solely for your possession."
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In the same verse, Jesus suggests that the prophets and the law established this same moral code that has not changed. Perhaps such a substantial rule of living is what makes it so "golden."

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