Does He Love Me? Does He Love Me Not?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Does He Love Me? Does He Love Me Not?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Some men are Real Men (TM) in the finest sense of the word. They respect women as equals, and they hold themselves to very high standards. They never leave anyone they date in the slightest doubt about where they stand. If they say that they are going to call, they always call. If they aren't going to call, they don't just slink off into the abyss and disappear. 

Indeed, they would never even dream of ghosting anybody. On the contrary, if they're not into it, they have the common decency and basic good manners to tell you to your face. Sure, it can hurt to hear that, and they know it, but they do their best to soften the blow, knowing that it's a lot less painful than the alternative of waiting and wondering.

Not all of these men are already married, so there's a good chance that if you date men, you might find one. However, there are also plenty of men out there who aren't going to meet the above standard, and that doesn't mean they aren't good husband or boyfriend material. It just means they're a little shy, or they have some emotional maturity left to gain, or they're just not the best communicator. 

Perhaps they're actually great at all those things and not at all shy, but their job or health or family situation means that they have to focus elsewhere, and their dating life gets short shrift. They might actually be great guys. How do you know if the guy you're into right now is one of these lovely men, and if so, whether he's into you? Let's find out!

How long does he take to respond to texts?
Under 2 minutes
An hour
What do your friends think?
They love him
They like him
They hate him
They have put a voodoo curse on him!
When did you plan the second date?
During the first date.
The day after the first date.
Two weeks after the first.
We're still trying to schedule that.


If he lets you down, how does he say sorry?
Quickly and profusely.
Sincerely but briefly.
Curtly and only after I ask.
He doesn't.
If he ever said, "I have X character flaw", what would he want you to do with that information?
Call him out when he does it so he can improve himself.
Give him a pass if I can.
Forgive him for it every time.
Totally accept any horrible behavior because I was warned so really it's my fault.
Put on your wise grandma hat and honestly ask yourself; is he husband material?
Hell, no.
Oh good Lord on a bicycle, no.


Does he ask about your day before telling you about his?
He never asks about my day.
Does he ever do something nice for you, just because?
All the time.
Once in a while.
Only when he feels guilty.
He hasn't yet.
Does he laugh at your jokes?
Constantly. Sometimes weeks after the fact.
Not really.


Has he ever put you down in front of others?
Once but I was being kind of a jerk.
A few times.
Does he talk about you to other people?
He brags and brags and brags about me.
He has done, I heard a rumor.
I don't know, we don't know anyone in common.
How fast did you meet his family and friends?
Two weeks.
Two months.
Six months.
I haven't met them yet.


Does he show up emotionally as much as you?
Yes, arguably more.
Not really.
I don't think he would know how.
Does he care about your pleasure as much as his own?
He says so.
If you have a bad day, what does he do?
Make dinner without asking.
Hug me.
Tell me it'll be OK.
Explain how his was worse.


Does he casually refer to "we" and "us" when he talks about the future?
All the time.
He hasn't yet.
He doesn't talk about the future.
Does he like children and animals?
Loves them!
Depends which child or animal.
He likes snakes. Is that weird?
What word or phrase have you heard him use to describe his ex?
A great person who will make someone else very happy one day.
A perfectly decent human being.
A b****.


His mom is calling. Does he pick up?
Yes, but if we're together he says he can't talk and tells her what time he'll call her back... and then he does!
That has never happened. I don't think they speak.
One of his buddies talks disrespectfully about women. What does he do?
Tell him to cut it out, immediately, then apologize on his behalf.
Shift awkwardly.
Laugh along but afterwards say he thought it was out of line.
One-up him.
Does he give anything to charity?
Yes, a few charities.
One, yes.
He says he has in the past.
I don't know.


If you asked him to order for you in a restaurant, how often would he pick something you like?
85% of the time
Half the time.
10% of the time.
It would be random.
If he ate something you hate, what would he do before kissing you?
Gargle mouthwash.
Drink water.
Warn me.
Has he ever mended something that belongs to you?
Yes, all the time, usually without me asking.
Yes, he offered and I said yes.
Once, I asked him.
He offered to pay for me to change my hair; that's the same, right?


How often does he do a chore without you asking?
Never, but he does them when I ask.
He barely does them when I do ask.
Do you feel totally safe around him?
Of course.
Yes, in a sense; he would not hurt me on purpose.
I feel a little at risk, like I don't know what he's thinking.
No, he can be kinda mean.
Are you sure about the status of the relationship?
I'm taking this quiz, so no - but I think that's more about me than him.
Not at all.
I think it's bad.
It's fine. Everything's fine. Really.


Has he told you any of his deepest fears?
A few.
If you love someone you can read their mind, right?
How often do you catch him looking at you and smiling goofily?
Once, it was cool.
Once but he told me I imagined it.
Would he ever look silly in public to make you smile?
All the time.
He would never look silly, he is a grown man.


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