ER Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
3 min
ER Quiz
Image: MJFelt/ThinkStock

About This Quiz

Think you know all there is to know about ER? Take this quiz to find out just how much you remember.

"ER," the '90s medical drama that started it all, sort of set the tone for the requirements of television doctors. Eye candy only, thank you.

Created by Michael Crichton (yes, THAT Michael Crichton... of Jurassic Park fame), the show debuted in the fall of 1994 and ran for a whopping 15 seasons and 331 episodes. The long-running series remains one of the longest running prime time television series in small screen history. The show won over 100 awards during its run and jump-started the careers of George Clooney and Noah Wyle. Several other cast members, although they had appeared in other films and series' before "ER," realized career success because of the show - think Julianna Margulies. The show showed off its star power with numerous notable guest stars as well, including Shia LeBeouf, Kirsten Dunst, Zac Efron, Eva Mendes, and Nick Offerman.

Since the show ended, other shows have tried and realized success with the same formula: handsome doctors, workplace relationships, and the exciting setting of the hospital environment.

How well do you think you'll do on this quiz? Get started to find out.

Who predated the modern emergency room to provide care to patients in dire need?
school teachers
general practitioners
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Before doctors specialized in emergency medicine, general practitioners treated emergency health problems and worked on call 24/7 in their local communities and towns.

What event most bolstered the development of emergency room care?
World War I
World War II
Operation Desert Storm
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Though the growth of military medicine continues to enhance emergency care (and vice versa), World War II brought about the most change in ERs. Health professionals working as specialists abroad came home and shared what they learned with civilian hospitals.

What percent of American adults visit the emergency room each year?
21 percent
41 percent
61 percent
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 21 percent of people 18 years and older visited the ER in 2009.


How do emergency rooms prioritize patients?
on a first-come, first-served basis
in alphabetical order
by how urgent the illness or injury is
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Emergency rooms use a system called triage to prioritize patients based on the severity of their injuries and illnesses. Individuals with life-threatening conditions will be treated before other patients with less severe health problems to ensure the people who need medical attention the most get it.

Do pregnant women go to the emergency room?
Yes. Delivery rooms are within all emergency rooms.
No. Emergency departments will never take pregnant women.
Sometimes. It depends on whether the woman knows she's pregnant, if the birth compromises her life or if the hospital has an obstetrics unit.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

General emergency rooms might not be the best option for pregnant women, but if a patient does not know she's pregnant or has unusual bleeding because of pregnancy complications, it's likely she'll end up there. Hospitals usually have an obstetrics specialist in the ER, too.

In rural areas, who is the most likely to end up visiting the ER?
lower income groups
middle income groups
people with the highest income
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Individuals with lower incomes living in rural areas were the most likely to visit the ER, according to the U.S. Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality.


How are emergency medical technicians and paramedics different from emergency care doctors?
Doctors provide treatment to patients, while EMTs and paramedics transport them.
Doctors hand patients over to EMTs and paramedics once patients arrive at the hospital.
EMTs and paramedics rush to patients' locations to provide treatment and transport them back to the hospital for further care under a doctor.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

EMTS, paramedics, doctors and hospital staff all work together to save lives. But EMTs and paramedics are usually the ones retrieving patients and providing life-saving care on the scene, while ER doctors usually see patients in the hospital.

What is a non-urgent visit?
A visit from a person with a condition that does not require medical treatment.
A visit describing a patient's condition when ER staff has determined treatment can wait between 120 minutes and 24 hours.
Non-urgent visits can go without treatment beyond 24 hours.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The term non-urgent visit does not mean a person doesn't need treatment for an injury or illness. Rather, it's a level in an ER's priority system in which nurses assess the patient's condition and conclude the problem is not life-threatening if treated between 120 minutes and 24 hours.

Say you're at the ER because you've suddenly become dizzy and short of breath. When you arrive, what's important to keep in mind while discussing your condition with doctors?
Be specific about your symptoms: Do they flare only when you're doing a particular activity or move your body a certain way?
Tell doctors about other medications you're currently taking.
Both are correct.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Experts from the American College of Emergency Physicians Foundation say it's important to be specific about your symptoms and make sure doctors know about your medications and health history.


On average, are wait times in emergency rooms getting longer or shorter?
Neither -- they're staying the same.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You might want to consider whether you're condition really requires emergency medical attention because waits in ERs are growing longer. Experts think people are using emergency rooms at greater rates than new ERs can be created, which has led to overcrowding.

If you have a child younger than 3 months old who has a fever, you should take the child to the ER when the fever reaches what temperature?
96.4 Fahrenheit/35.78 Celsius
98.4 Fahrenheit/36.89 Celsius
100.4 Fahrenheit (38 Celsius) or higher
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Fevers can be dangerous for young children. Experts say to get a child to the doctor immediately if he or she develops a fever 100.4 Fahrenheit (38 Celsius) or higher when measured with a rectal thermometer.

What's the difference between emergency care and urgent care?
There is no difference -- the two are the same.
Urgent care is more dire than emergency care.
Emergency care is more dire than urgent care.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Urgent care centers offer treatment for non-life-threatening conditions and refer life-threatening conditions to emergency departments. They're usually less expensive than the ER as well.


Which of the following can warrant treatment in the ER?
tick bites
venomous snake bites
Both are correct.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Tick bites might not seem as dangerous as those from snakes, but these arachnids are known carriers of bacteria that can lead to some severe infections in the weeks following a bite. In some cases, emergency care is needed for either type of bite.

Which symptom is reason enough to receive emergency care?
a headache
sudden changes in vision
a stomach ache
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Stomach and head pains bring many people to the ER, but they don't always require emergency assistance. Sudden changes in vision, however, calls for immediate attention.

What health condition is not among the most common doctors treat in the ER?
sprains and broken bones
abdominal pain
ear infections
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Ear infections are the odd one out. Sprains, breaks and abdominal pain are fairly common.


With existing health disparities, which factors increase a person's likelihood of seeking treatment at emergency departments?
older age
reliance on government health assistance programs such as Medicaid
Both are correct.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

All types of people need emergency care, but according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, individuals who most frequently use ER services are older or rely on government programs such as Medicaid.

ER doctors deal with patients arriving with foreign objects in their bodies. What's a potentially dangerous item patients have been known to accidentally swallow?
a nut shell
soda can tabs
chewing gum
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

All three are frequently swallowed, but soda can tabs can scrape or puncture the inside of a patients digestive system, causing serious problems.

Emergency rooms receive how many visits per year in the United States?
24 million
124 million
224 million
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to 2008 figures from the CDC, Americans made 124 million visits to the ER.


Which combination best reflects specialties included in most emergency rooms?
mental, cardiac, trauma
cardiac, trauma, obstetric, orthopedic, surgical
dental, trauma, dermatological, surgical
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Emergency rooms generally specialize in surgeries, cardiac illnesses, injuries from trauma, orthopedic recovery and obstetrics, making the second answer the best choice.

What health condition is increasingly common in ER rooms?
chest pain
abdominal pain
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

More emergency departments are seeing cases of abdominal pain, reports a USA Today article.

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