How Old Is Your Spirit?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How Old Is Your Spirit?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

If you're alive now and capable of reading this, then obviously your spirit is at least a few years old - and probably more than 10 or 12. But it's entirely possible that it is substantially older than that. After all, just because your previous bodies might not have stuck around until the present day, doesn't mean your spirit didn't have a previous corporeal home - that would just be a waste of a perfectly good immortal soul. 

Indeed, even if this is the first time your spirit has made it to Earth and enjoyed life as a human being, it could still have been out there beforehand, as God says in the Bible, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you."

Given that, it might be useful to know just how old your spirit is. This might help shed some light on important traits like how much you experience nostalgia or deja vu, or whether you often find yourself feeling like you've met a particular person at another time or place when you know that can't be true. 

If you're completely gung-ho about everything and find the whole world new and shiny, perhaps you're new and shiny yourself. So tell us a little about how you're managing your time in this mortal coil, and we'll figure out if this is your first rodeo or not!

How well do you deal with tragedy?
I get up and get on.
I take some time to internalize things and heal.
I get knocked down but get up.
I crumble.
Do you fear loss?
Anything that is lost can be regained.
Not as much as I used to.
More than I used to.
I fear loss a lot.
How well do you deal with overwhelming success?
I take a step back and put things in perspective.
After a little fun, I try to come back down to Earth.
I might let it get to my head a little.
I go power mad!


Do you fear suffering?
Of course.
Yes, but not as much as death.
Yes, more than death.
Yes, more than anything.
How well do you deal with delays?
Like a Zen master.
I get a little antsy.
Not well.
How well do you deal with being sidelined?
I take it in stride.
I don't mind too much.
I get over it.
I get upset about it.


How well do you deal with romantic troubles?
I let them go, because if we were meant to be, we'd work out.
I try to be gentle.
I double down.
I bend over backwards to fix things.
Can you take a joke?
I think I can.
If it's funny.
Can you get back up after taking a knock?
Anyone can.
I can.
Some of the time.
It depends on the knock.


How well do you deal with friendship troubles?
I focus on them because friends matter a lot.
I hear my friend out.
I try to mend things if I can.
I let them go, because a true friend will come back to you.
Are you a loyal friend?
Yes, but I choose my friends carefully.
Yes, as much as I can be.
Yes, to all my friends!
No, not really.
Are you a loyal romantic partner?
When it is convenient.


Who of these celebrities do you admire?
Paul Newman
Charlie Chaplin
Audrey Hepburn
Kanye West
How important is solitude to you?
Not as much as it was.
It's pretty important.
I need an audience.
How well do you deal with anxiety?
I go for a walk.
I distract myself with something that makes me happy.
I breath into a bag.
I pass out.


How often do you practice mindfulness?
All the time, if possible.
A couple times a day.
Once a week at least.
What do you live for?
What I leave behind.
What I can learn.
Who I can meet.
How driven are you?
Not too driven.
I've got a fair amount of drive.
I'm so driven, it makes people upset.


In one word, how do you deal with other people?
How well do you deal with illness?
I do my best to deal with it, but know there is little that I can do on my own.
I eat healthily and go to the doctor.
I cry a lot.
I go to pieces.
Where do you like to go on vacation?
Someplace quiet and grand, like a mountain range.
Someplace placid and serene, like a lake.
Someplace pretty, like an island.
The beach, with booze.


What do you like reading about?
Art history.
Crime novels.
I don't really read.
How do you deal with financial troubles?
I realize that money isn't everything.
I make a plan and live a spartan lifestyle.
I freak out and sell everything I own on eBay.
I try to forge my dead relatives' signatures to cosign my student loans.
What time period would you most like to live in?
The present.
The decade of my early childhood.
My 20's.
The middle ages.


How well do you deal with family disagreements?
I remember these are the people I'm stuck with.
I try to find middle ground.
I use reverse psychology.
I just scream and yell.
Which historical figure do you most admire?
Norman Borlaug
Jonas Salk
Princess Diana
What is the first thing you do when your work day is done?
Take a deep breath.
Finish my coffee.
Take off my shoes.
Get wasted.


How do you feel when you see unspoiled nature?
How well do you deal with problems at work?
I mediate the dispute if possible.
I draw a venn diagram so everyone can visualize it.
I break out the talking stick.
I shout everyone down.
Do you fear death?
Of course.
No, it is just a part of life.
No more than the next person.
Yes, I want to live forever!


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