Play a Game of "Would You Rather" and We'll Guess When You Lost Your Virginity

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
8 min
Play a Game of "Would You Rather" and We'll Guess When You Lost Your Virginity
Image: Image Source/Digital Vision/Getty Images

About This Quiz

The human race has come up with some great ways to suffer through the mind-numbing boredom that is life. We've created various forms of entertainment and learning tools to help us keep our minds sharp. One game brings entertainment and knowledge together like no other. That game is "Would You Rather," a game that presents players with two conflicting options that they must choose from based on how their minds process logic and solve problems. When playing this game, players learn about each other and themselves while they are entertained by the answers and creative choices brought forward. If you are in a group setting playing this game, you can start to learn a lot about the other players, their thought processes and their senses of humor. 

While "Would You Rather" is an excellent way to kill the boredom bug, it can also reveal things about a player that they wouldn't expect. For example, if you ask the right questions, in the right order, you can find out things like when a player lost his/her virginity. Don't believe us? Answer these questions, and we'll guess when you lost your virginity.

Would you rather go shopping or Netflix & Chill?
Go shopping. I have a lot to get for the house.
Netflix & Chill. I could use some downtime.
Go shopping. I want to get something nice for myself.
Netflix & Chill. Awww... yeah.
Would you rather know everything and no one believe you or have everyone believe you but know nothing.
Know nothing. My brain couldn't handle knowing everything.
Know everything. I can figure out a way to get the truth out there.
Know nothing. I can be like Jon Snow.
Know everything, because I already do anyway.
Would you rather only eat sausage for the rest of your life, or make sausage for the rest of your life.
Eat sausage. I like consistency.
Make sausage. I need variety.
Eat sausage, but it will have to be the right sausage.
Make sausage. I have a factory in my pants.


Would you rather never have an orgasm again or have orgasms at inopportune times?
Never orgasm again. I don't want to make the wrong impression when I meet someone.
Orgasm at inopportune times. Who would want to give up that feeling?
Never orgasm again. I don't think I've ever had one anyway.
Orgasm at inopportune times. Having orgasms is my favorite.
Would you rather always be on time and never know what you have planned or always know what you have planned but never be on time?
Always be on time. It is a sign of respect.
Never be on time. I hate being forgetful.
Always be on time. I hate feeling rushed.
Never be on time. I like to know what's coming (if you know what I mean).
Would you rather find a million dollars that you had to spend immediately or find ten dollars a day for the rest of your life.
Ten dollars a day. I would love that to be a part of my routine!
A million dollars. I could have a massive party.
Ten dollars a day. It would be a great way to save money.
A million dollars. I can finally pay off my student loan debt!


Would you rather always have to eat at McDonald's but never get health issues or eat whatever you want and have one major health issue a year?
McDonald's. My health is important to me.
Eat whatever I want. I hate having the same thing every day.
McDonald's. I can find new ways to make their food taste good.
Eat whatever I want. I like to make the choices.
Would you rather live forever without ever eating again, or have to eat every five minutes in order to live?
Never eat. It'll clear up a lot of my schedule.
Eat every five minutes. I like a challenge.
Never eat. I can focus on my big project.
Eat every five minutes. I love having my mouth full.
Would you rather always have to fart but it never comes out or always fart at inopportune times?
Never comes out. Farting is embarrassing.
Fart at inopportune times. I don't care what people think of me.
Never comes out. I'd hate to smell up a meeting.
Fart at inopportune times. These things happen.


Would you rather have terrible sex for the rest of your life or great sex just once?
Great sex. I'd plan a big day around it.
Terrible sex. Eventually it'll feel fine.
Great sex. Quality over quantity.
Terrible sex ... because there's no such thing as terrible sex.
Would you rather always forget your significant others' name but be in real love or never fall in love but close the deal with every person you meet?
Real love. What's in a name?
Close the deal. Love isn't real.
Real love. We can always have nicknames.
Close the deal. I'd start to like meeting people.
Would you rather know how the world is going to end but not be able to save yourself or be the last survivor on Earth without knowing it was going to end?
Not be able to save myself. I wouldn't want to be alone.
Be the last survivor. I might not mind the solitude.
Not be able to save myself. I'd hate not having someone to talk to.
Be the last survivor. I like being alone anyway.


Would you rather have to move every year without ever throwing anything away or live in the same place forever but it smells like broccoli?
Broccoli. I hate moving.
Move. I hate broccoli.
Broccoli. I'd get used to the smell.
Move. It's gotta smell good where I live.
Would you rather never be able to use your hands to type or never be able to use your feet to drive?
Never use hands. My nose will be just fine.
Never use feet. They have devices to help with that.
Never use hands. I can use voice software.
Never use feet. I hate driving anyway.
Would you rather always have to take cold showers but always smell wonderful or always be able to take warm showers but always smell like onions?
Warm showers. I like being comfortable.
Cold showers. I have to smell good.
Warm showers. I can blame the onion smell on something else.
Cold showers. Smells attract people.


Would you rather always have to drive 100 miles to get where you're going but always be safe in the car or never be safe in the car but only have to drive one mile a month?
100 miles. Safety is important to me.
One mile a month. I like to live on the edge.
100 miles. Driving gives me time to think.
One mile a month. I hate driving.
Would you rather never know what your significant other is thinking but he/she's always thinking nice things about you or always know what he/she is thinking but it's always bad?
Never know. I am confident in our relationship.
Always know. It helps me be a better lover.
Never know. I wouldn't know what to do if I did know.
Always know. I can close more deals that way.
Would you rather always hear your cellphone ringing during sex, but the sex is really good or never get a booty call ever again?
Never get a booty call. I don't need them anyway.
Hear phone ringing. I can concentrate on what (or who) I'm doing.
Never get a booty call. I hate hearing my cellphone.
Hear phone ringing. I'll just change my ringtone.


Would you rather find a moldy sandwich under your bed or a live raccoon in your car?
Moldy sandwich. I can always clean it up.
Raccoon. I hate cleaning.
Moldy sandwich. I hate animals.
Raccoon. It'd make a great YouTube video.
Would you rather have no creativity but be rich or have all of the creativity and be poor?
Creativity. There is no substitute for it.
Be rich. Who needs ideas to be happy?
Creativity. My brain would go crazy if I couldn't create.
Be rich. Money attracts the right people.
Would you rather have a dog that always pees on the floor but saves your life once a month or have a cat that always scratches your face but finds you a million dollars a year?
Dog. I like the safety and don't mind cleaning.
Cat. I need the money.
Dog. The loyalty is appreciated.
Cat. I can buy whatever I want.


Would you rather have ten spiders living above your bed but they never bite you or get bit by a mystery spider once a week?
Ten spiders. As long as they don't bite, I'm fine.
Mystery spider. Seeing them creeps me out.
Ten spiders. They make cool webs.
Mystery spider. I will call him Clancy.
Would you rather always take rides from strangers but always get where you're going or always drive yourself but always get lost for at least an hour?
Always get lost. At least I'll be safe.
Ride with strangers. I need to get where I'm going.
Always get lost. I like the adventure.
Ride with strangers. I'll get to meet new people.
Would you rather take a long vacation but constantly miss home or never take a vacation but always want to go somewhere?
Never take a vacation. I don't need to go anywhere to have fun.
Long vacation. I like to travel and meet new people.
Never take a vacation. I have too much to do.
Long vacation ... if you know what I mean.


Would you rather always have to eat blindfolded but never pay for a meal or always see what you're eating but always have to pay double for the meal?
Always see. I like to know what's going in my mouth.
Blindfolded. Free is good.
Always see. You eat with all five senses.
Blindfolded. I'll take the chance.
Would you rather have thirty fingers or thirty toes?
Thirty toes. I can get more exercise done.
Thirty fingers. I can do more around the house.
Thirty toes. I can cover them up with extra large socks.
Thirty fingers. You know why.
Would you rather have a single color in your house or have every color splashed on one wall?
Single color. I like consistency.
Every color. I like variety.
Single color. I can accent it with things.
Every color. I hate monochrome.


Would you rather have the best pickup lines but no one bites or have the worst pickup lines but only your third choice bites?
Best pickup lines. I don't need any bites.
Worst pickup lines. At least I'd bat .333.
Best pickup lines. They're cheesy anyway.
Worst pickup lines. One out of three is better than I do now.
Would you rather always have breath that smells like garlic or always have breath that smells like onions?
Onions. I don't want to ward off vampires.
Garlic. I can tell people I ate great food.
Onions. I'll always taste like soup.
Garlic. I don't want vampires around me.
Would you rather have a tattoo on your forehead or your chin?
Forehead. I can cover it with bangs.
Chin. I can cover it with turtlenecks.
Forehead. Might as well not try to hide it.
Chin. I can grow facial hair over it.


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