The Ultimate Tree Climbing Quiz

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2 min
The Ultimate Tree Climbing Quiz
Image: Peter Beavis/Stone/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Recreational tree climbing is becoming a popular activity that brings back some of the joys of childhood. However, tree climbing today is not kid stuff. Before you attempt your next tree climb, take our quiz to learn more about how to do it safely.
What kind of activity is tree climbing?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

More people are climbing trees for fun, joining the arborists who climb trees to care for them.

What is an arborist?
health-care specialist
tree-care specialist
child-care specialist
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Arborists, or tree-care specialists, perform a wide range of tree-related tasks such as pruning and removing dead branches, diagnosing diseases and insect infestations, supervising tree plantings, overseeing general tree health, advising in matters of tree safety and of course, planning some great Arbor Day festivities.

Who teaches tree-climbing techniques to beginners?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

People trained as facilitators can lead group climbs, but they aren't qualified to teach tree-climbing techniques to beginners. For that, they have to be professional instructors.


Who is responsible for leading group tree climbs?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

People trained as facilitators can lead group climbs, but they aren't qualified to teach tree-climbing techniques to beginners.

Which U.S. government body offers training sessions to tree-climbing instructors?
Department of Agriculture Service
Department of Forest Service
Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Department of Agriculture Forest Service offers training sessions for instructor certification.

Who needs tree-climbing gear?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Tree-climbing gear is suitable only for people who've been climbing trees for a while and have the experience needed to try new tricks.


Tree climbing ropes are typically made out of braided:
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Tree climbing ropes are typically made out of braided polyester, which is soft and pliable for easy knot tying.

Why are safety sunglasses worn during tree climbing?
to protect the eyes from the sun
to protect the eyes from wind
to protect the eyes from debris
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Tree climbing can also cause little bits of debris to rain down on climbers, so it's smart to wear safety glasses.

How much rope do you need to climb a tree?
as long as the height of the tree
double the height of the tree
triple the height of the tree
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While 150 feet (45 meters) is an oft-cited length, a good rule of thumb is to estimate the height of the tree you want to climb, then double it. That's how much rope you'll want.


Which trees are used for safe climbing?
wild trees
tame trees
olive trees
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Tame trees have been climbed by others and cleared of safety threats.

Who can climb wild trees?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Wild trees are best left to tree-climbing experts and arborists.

Who of the following diagnoses diseases and insect infestations in trees?
scientific researcher
environmental activist
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Arborists, or tree-care specialists, perform a wide range of tree-related tasks, such as pruning and removing dead branches, diagnosing diseases and insect infestations, supervising tree plantings, overseeing general tree health, advising in matters of tree safety and, of course, planning some great Arbor Day festivities.


How can you benefit from tree climbing?
It's a good workout.
It's an ideal refuge.
It saves money.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Tree climbing is good exercise and, once you have the basic gear, it's a lot cheaper than going to the gym.

Which are some basic tree-climbing equipment?
chainsaw, pole saw
safety harness, chip truck
helmet, saddle, carabiners and rope
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A few items that should be used on any basic climb include a helmet, a saddle (the harness that climbers sit in), carabiners, rope, and a throw bag and line to launch the rope over the first branch.

Which equipment is utilized for climbing a tall tree?
slingshot or bow and arrow
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In the case of tall trees, a slingshot or a bow and arrow may be needed to lob a line over a desired limb.


Why are gloves necessary for tree climbing?
They protect hands from blisters.
They protect hands from moisture.
They protect hands from insects.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Tree climbers can't go wrong with nonslip gloves, which protect hands from blisters and help maintain traction.

What is a hammock?
tree-climbing knot
tree-climbing rope
a hanging couch suspended between two branches
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Some climbers haul up hammocks or portable platforms so they can spend time relaxing on elevated perches, enjoying the view and sometimes even spending the night.

Which of the following techniques is commonly used for tree climbing?
single-rope technique
doubled-rope technique
rope technique
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The doubled-rope technique is the more commonly practiced of the two.


Why should helmets be worn by spectators near the climbing tree?
to protect from falling objects
to protect from falling from the tree
to protect from rain
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Helmets should be worn by all climbers and also by any spectators on the ground. They not only offer protection in the event someone falls, but help guard against injury from dangerous hazards like falling branches.

Which of the following can make trees unsafe for climbing?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Even if an insect infestation or fungi growth haven't damaged a tree, still keep an eye out for wasps and bees, as well as plants such as poison ivy and poison sumac.

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Peter Beavis/Stone/Getty Images