What Animal GIF Represents Your Soul?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Animal GIF Represents Your Soul?
Image: seng chye teo/Moment/GettyImages

About This Quiz

It's hard to imagine it now, but back when the first Harry Potter novel came out, the wizard-born boys made fun of the Muggle-born for having a poster on his wall with images that didn't move. Wizarding books and posters always moved, and as the movies later showed us, they tended to move in short repeating video-like loops. That's right: J.K. Rowling anticipated gifs years before we were all using them. After all, if a picture is worth a thousand words, a gif is worth a hundred thousand!

The gif - or graphic interchangeable format - was created at CompuServe by a team led by Steve Wilhite, and its current existence depends on animation invented by computing pioneer Lisa Gelobter. While gifs were not a big deal in early chatrooms and websites, they spread like wildfire as the internet's capacity to transmit data finally caught up with the creativity of its users. Nowadays they are an essential component of digital culture.

All this means that some gifs have become extremely famous and ubiquitous, from the former video (now gif) known as Dramatic Look Gopher to an endless array of llamas in sunglasses and octopi fleeing the scene. That's why, whatever you're feeling, there's a gif that represents it accurately - and whoever you are, there's probably a gif that gets across a pretty decent idea of that, too. Tell us a little about yourself, and we'll identify the perfect gif to represent your truest self!

How optimistic are you?
Above average
I have flickers of extreme optimism or pessimism.
Do you sometimes bite off more than you can chew?
Yes, but I chew it anyway.
Very rarely
Every so often
Do you immerse yourself in your work?
Yes, usually
Sometimes - it's a good feeling!
Not really


If something good happens, can you you truly enjoy it without sharing it with the people you love?
No, that's the point!
I prefer to keep it to myself.
I prefer it if they are there.
No, I can enjoy it anyway.
Are you a team player?
Oh yeah!
Not really
Generally yes
How important is excellence to you?
It's the most important thing.
I'm happy as an enthusiastic amateur.


Do you have good personal discipline?
Not really
LOL no
Yes, it's great.
I get by.
Do you get grumpy when your blood sugar is low?
I'm never grumpy.
Not really
I can deal.
Heck, yes
How's your rhythm?
Pretty great


Do you love taking risks?
If I have friends with me
Sure, why not?
I love them!
Not really
Do you make sure to get what's coming to you?
Of course - I'm no doormat.
When I can!
No, I will take what I'm given.
No - but I should, I know.
Do you sometimes over-indulge then regret it?
I never regret it.
Yes - but then I do it again next itme!
I only regret it if I have to exercise immediately.
Not really


Are you a brave soul?
Only if circumstances are right
I like to think so.
Yes, very
In my way
Do you have one true best friend?
No, I have lots and I love them all.
I am my best friend!
Yes, I have just one.
I have two.
Are you afraid to look silly?
No, I love it!
I never think about it!
I don't mind at all!
Yes, it worries me all the time.


Do you like to surprise people?
Not really
Only if it is a nice surprise
Yes, where would we be without surprises?
I hate and fear surprises.
Do you usually play along just to be nice?
I do it because I want to, not to be nice.
Once in a while
I try to!
I don't do that, no.
How cute are you, on a scale of 1-10?


How energetic are you?
Not very
Off the charts
Fairly, but only in brief spurts
Do you like to take things one step at a time?
No, I do all the steps at once.
Yes, that's the way to do it.
I know I should, but not always.
I don't really think about it that much.
Do you have a soft interior?
Yes, I am all fuzz.
Yes, but a hard shell
I'm tougher than you'd think.
No, I can be hard and soft as needed.


Can you let go and just enjoy yourself?
Usually, yes
If I know what I'm doing.
How singular is your fashion sense?
Generic as heck
Fairly singular
About average
I like to peacock every so often.
Do you consider yourself a rebel?
Nope, I would never dare.
In my own way, yes
No, I heartily endorse the system.
When I want to be


Are you willing to try new things?
If the right person asks
I prefer not.
Are you someone who really enjoys their food?
I can't answer that, I am too busy chewing.
Only if it is something fresh and interesting
Usually, but I prefer my work.
Not as much as other things
Are you easily able to trust other people?
First I try, then I trust.
I haven't always been trusting, but now I am.


Do you love to study hard?
I like it!
Only if it is the right subject
I love it!
No, I am lazy.
Are you good at just saying "no" when you need to?
Not even a tiny bit
I am pretty decent at that, yes.
I never really need to.
Yes, I'm the best.
Do you like to party?
Sure, sometimes
Oh yeah!
Not often, but when I do, I go hard.
Sometimes, but when I don't feel like it, nothing can make me!


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