What Character From “Disenchantment” Are You?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Character From “Disenchantment” Are You?
Image: Netflix

About This Quiz

Netflix's "Disenchantment" has filled a void we never knew we needed. A cartoon from Matt Groening, the creator of "The Simpsons," it delves into a rich, deep, hilarious fantasy world full of magic, mirth and mayhem. Like "Futurama" before it, we get a whole new world of characters who have to deal with unique situations, but it's that same wit and humor and curious cartoon overbites we've all loved for over 30 years now.

"Disenchantment" gets to take us to fun and weird new places with characters who aren't even human and aren't even close to human. Luci, the demon, is very much sort of kind of evil, while Elfo is the picture of unbridled positivity, except for that one episode. And Bean is a perfect Simpsons archetype, a flawed character with good intentions and maybe not always the best execution. Then you have people that turn into bears, the odd wizard or two, mechanical dragons, and a host of other curious characters to round out the universe in the best ways. Now whether you're a mostly pleasant demon or a mostly unpleasant king, there's got to be a place for you somewhere in Dreamland. Want to find out where? Take the quiz and see!

1 friends
Hinterhaus Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you drop everything to help a friend in need?
Am I already busy?
Probably? Maybe.
Without hesitation!
Why would I drop stuff?
2 friends
Morsa Images /DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you take advice from others or do you mostly tell others what to do?
Is there a third option?
I mean, you can give me advice if you want.
I love taking advice.
I tell people what to do.
3 good or bad
mikroman6/ Moment/ Getty Images
Is anyone truly all good or all bad?
Maybe, but can't it be good to be bad sometimes?
I don't think so.
Who cares?


4 family
Klaus Vedfelt/ DigitalVision / Getty Images
How important is family?
Pretty important
I think they're important, but so are friends.
Family can be a little overrated sometimes.
5 adventure
Brent Durand / Moment / Getty Images
Do you ever get the urge to leave home on a wild adventure?
My life is a wild adventure.
Not often
Why would I ever do that?
6 dream
Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you dream, do you dream big?
I mostly have nightmares.
I don't think I know what that means.
I don't worry about dreams, just reality.


7 positive or negative
jayk7 / Moment / Getty Images
Is your worldview generally a positive one?
Positively negative
It depends on the day.
You better believe it!
My worldview is the right worldview. That's all.
8 disappointed
Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you ever feel like you let people down?
I don't think so.
Oh, all the time
I try not to, but it happens.
Of course not
9 batter
Dmytro Aksonov / E+ / Getty Images
Can you step up to the plate and be a responsible sort of person when you need to?
That doesn't sound like fun at all.
I can try!
I'm willing to find out maybe!
I'm always responsible.


10 trust
David Madison / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How trusting are you?
I dunno. Does it matter that much?
I guess someone has to earn my trust.
Super trusting!
I'm not.
11 friends
sarote pruksachat / Moment / Getty Images
Do you make friends easily or not?
Oh sure, people love me.
I manage alright.
Yes. But also no.
Bah, who needs more friends?
12 hero
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Have you ever done anything you'd describe as heroic?
I'd describe it that way but I don't know if anyone else would.
I don't think so.
I'm not much of a hero.
Clearly I'm the most heroic hero who ever heroed.


13 stress
Francesco Carta fotografo / Moment / Getty Images
How do you deal with a really stressful situation?
I avoid those at all costs.
I try to power through.
Is a panic attack an acceptable answer?
I unstress it as fast as possible.
14 worker
RUNSTUDIO / Moment / Getty Images
Do you ever feel like people are underestimating you?
Is that what people are doing? I dunno.
All the time
If anything, they overestimate me.
They better not be!
15 trouble
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you ever cause trouble just for the fun of it?
That's my life.
Maybe, if I'm bored.
Who has time for that?


16 shopper
Prasit photo /Moment / Getty Images
If you found a lost wallet, how much effort would you put into returning it?
I'm probably not doing that.
I would definitely put it on my to-do list.
I'd return it right away.
It's just my wallet now.
17 date
Petri Oeschger / Moment / Getty Images
Do you feel like you're a romantic at heart?
I wouldn't go that far.
Maybe a tiny bit
Oh, yes.
18 magic
Dina Belenko Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Do you believe in magic?
Well, I've seen some weird stuff.
Not really
You bet!
I'm not a child.


19 angry cat
Kryssia Campos / Moment/ Getty Images
Do you have a bad temper?
That sounds too tiring.
If I get pushed far enough
Oh, yeah
20 friends
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do your friends inspire you to be a better person?
I have no idea.
Even when I don't want them to.
All the time
Not really
21 angel or devil
Hillary Kladke / Moment / Getty Images
You have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. Which one are you listening to?
Let's be honest, there's no angel.
Probably the devil, but you never know
The angel!
I don't listen to other people.


22 overwhelmed
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by life?
All the time
I don't think so.
I don't feel overwhelmed by anything.
23 anger
Lesley Magno / Moment/ Getty Images
How do you express your anger?
I'm usually pretty chill.
I lash out.
I don't get angry.
I will throw down on people.
24 couple
Victor Dyomin /Moment / Getty Images
What do you think is your best quality?
My unbridled awesomeness
My determination
My positivity
My leadership abilities


25 friends
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you always honest even when it hurts to be?
Ha. No.
Not alllllways
Honesty is the best policy.
I say whatever I need to say.
26 wolf
Chad Graham/ Moment/ Getty Images
Do you have a dark side?
I'm all dark side.
Maybe my sense of humor
Not really
I get shady now and then.
27 bear
Ryan McVay/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
If you were out in the woods and ran into a bear, how would you deal with the situation?
This is why I'm never in the woods.
I am running like the wind.
Play dead
Try to sweet talk it.


28 skydiving
Graiki/ Moment/ Getty Images
Are you the kind of person who dares a friend to do crazy things or gets dared to do them?
I make the dares.
Maybe a bit of both
Ooh, I'll do a dare.
29 imagination
10'000 Hours /DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you have a good imagination?
I can imagine some weird stuff, sure.
Yeah, I like to escape into it sometimes.
I like reality better.
Not really
30 family
Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you get along well with your family?
I'm not a family person.
I wouldn't say that.
My relationship could be better.
Sure, everything's great, who's asking?


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