Which Sister from "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" are You?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Sister from "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" are You?
Image: n/a

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Does my butt look big in these jeans?! It looks however you want it to! When it comes to The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, we know it flatters everyone, but just which character are you? Are you Tibby, Lena, Bridget, or Carmen? Let's find out!

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is the bestselling novel by author Ann Brashares. First released in 2001, she would go on to write four sequels, but it was in 2005 when she put the first novel to film. Starring Alexis Bledel, America Ferrera, Blake Lively and Amber Tamblyn, the film follows a group of four friends who prepare to spend their first summer apart from each other. Which of these four "sisters" are you?

Are you strong and driven Bridget? You might have your own personal struggles to overcome, but that doesn't stop you from tackling every challenge!

You might be passionate and loyal Carmen. If you're like her, you value your friends and family above all else and everyone can always count on you!

If your kind heart helps define you, you're definitely Lena! You might be shy about opening up, but you're always there for those who need you!

For those who are confident in who they are, you're a Tibby! While some might question her, she's steadfast in the kind of person she is! You'd never let anyone change you!

Which of these four ladies are you? Are you as driven as Bridget or are you shy like Lena? Maybe you're unique like Tibby or loyal like Carmen. Let's find out which "sister" you are!

How would you describe yourself?
What is your parental situation like?
They're divorced.
One or both are deceased or out of the picture.
My parents are married.
They're happily married.
Which of the following activities is most appealing?


How do you respond if a love interest expresses an interest in you?
I bashfully turn red.
I jump on the opportunity.
I dismiss them and play hard to get.
I cautiously agree to go on a date.
How do you spend your summers?
I can be found sweating at a sports camp.
I visit relatives in foreign countries.
I spend time with the parent you don't get to see as often.
I stay home to work on projects.
Something bad happens to your friend. What do you do to help support them?
Cheer them up.
Remain steadfast in your loyalty to them.
Offer them compassion and a shoulder to cry/lean on.
Be honest with them.


What bothers you most?
A lack of boundaries.
Being told "no" or that I can't do something.
How do you react to feeling hurt?
I lash out and might even throw something through a window.
I distance myself from the person who hurt me.
I shut down completely.
I focus on happier things.
Would you lie to your friend if you knew it would make them happy?
Yes, absolutely.
Probably, as long as it isn't a major lie.
Maybe, depending on the situation.
No, you probably wouldn't.


Do you like to party?
Yes, the louder the better!
Sure, I like to party on occasion.
Every once in awhile, but not often.
No, I don't enjoy partying much.
How do you cheer yourself up when you're feeling down?
I dive into my work.
I call someone you trust to talk it out.
I spend some time alone to recharge.
I keep physically active to distract myself.
Would you say you're a messy person?
Not at all; I'm very clean and organized.
Not really, but I'm not a "neat freak" either.
I try to keep things tidy, but I'm a bit messy at heart.
Yeah, I'm pretty messy.


How do you feel about school?
I really like school.
I enjoy school, mostly for socializing with peers.
School is okay.
I'm not a big fan of school.
Do you like traveling?
I love traveling and will go anywhere.
I like traveling but only to places where I want to go.
I like to occasionally travel.
I'm not a huge fan of traveling.
Were you ever picked on or bullied in school?
No, I was popular.
Not really; I went mostly unnoticed.
I was picked on here and there.
Yes, frequently.


Do you have siblings?
Yes, if you count step siblings.
No, but I have someone who might as well be a sibling.
No, I'm an only child.
Can you change a flat tire yourself?
Yes, I definitely can!
With some practice and guidance, sure.
No, but I'm sure I could learn how in no time.
No, and I don't care to.
Are you a people pleaser?
No, it's not my thing.
Only with those I'm close to.
Sometimes, yes.
100% yes.


Do you know how to drive?
Yes, of course!
Yes, but I hate driving.
No, but I'm going to learn how to drive soon.
No, and I'd rather not learn or are too young for driving.
If you could choose a place you'd like to be at this moment, where would you go?
The beach.
The mountains.
A big city.
Anywhere with gorgeous scenery.
Do you get along with your parents?
I have a strained relationship with my parents.
I get along with one of them.
My relationship isn't the worst, but it could be better.
I have a decent relationship with them.


Do you feel like your family is proud of you?
Yes, they're extremely proud of me.
Yes, I'd say they're proud of me.
I think so, but I'm not sure.
They think I should be doing something else with my life.
When it comes to happiness, who's happiness matters the most to you?
The happiness of others.
My own happiness.
There's more important things in life than happiness.
Everyone's, including my own, happiness.
Do you have a crush?
No, I don't do crushes.
Maybe, but I'm not sure how I feel yet.
Yes, and I'm actively pursuing my love interest.
Yes, but I don't see it moving past the crush phase anytime soon.


Do you listen to your parents when it comes to things like career, school, and dating?
I consider their input, but it ultimately comes down to what I want.
No, those are my decisions to make.
Yes, I usually take their advice.
Maybe, if we have the same opinions.
Where do you shop for clothes?
Thrift stores.
Anywhere that isn't expensive and carries the styles I like.
High-end stores.
I'm a bargain hunter.
Are you more of a doer or a thinker?
I'm more of a doer.
I'm a thinker.
I'm a bit of both. It depends on the day.
I lean towards being a doer, but I am also a thinker.


What was your financial situation like as a child?
My family was well off.
My family did alright for themselves.
My family made ends meet with enough left over to be comfortable.
My family struggled to make ends meet.
Do you enjoy holiday celebrations?
I love all the holidays and their accompanying celebrations!
They aren't too shabby and I have fun.
It depends on who I'm celebrating with.
No, I'm not big on holidays.
How would you describe your outlook on life?
Cautiously optimistic.


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